"Jefferson’s Masterpiece"

Follow Dennis Parker as he prepares Jefferson’s Masterpiece for publication –
from the research and writing to the printing and marketing.

Monday, May 31, 2010

First Phase of Editing Jefferson’s Masterpiece Is Finished

I have completed the first round of editing Jefferson’s Masterpiece. Now I will send copies of the manuscript to the five people who have agreed to edit the story.

Since the first phase has been accomplished, I will devote my attention to creating an appendix of historical data that I hope will enhance the understanding and appreciation of the Declaration of Independence. The appendix will provide additional learning opportunities for 9-to-12-year-olds and to other readers. Between the historical-fiction story and the appendix, my goal is to present a complete picture of why, how and who was involved in making it possible for the thirteen colonies to become “free and independent states.”

While all the details of the appendix have not been finalized, I can give you a preview of some of the topics that will be covered:
1. Brief biography of Thomas Jefferson.
2. Timeline of events that led to the separation from Great Britain and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.
3. Verbatim copy of Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence.
4. Verbatim copy that shows the changes John Adams and Benjamin Franklin made to the original draft (“Rough Draft” submitted to the Second Continental Congress).
5. Verbatim copy that shows the changes members of Congress made to the Rough Draft (final version of the Declaration of Independence).
6. Biographical sketches and pictures (engravings) of the 56 signers.
7. Description of what happened to the signers.
8. List of colonies and local governments that enacted a “declaration of independence” during the spring and summer of 1776.
9. Discussion of the significance of the Declaration of Independence.
10. Reprint of Jefferson’s handwritten draft of the Declaration of Independence.
11. 18th century map of Philadelphia.

I still don’t have a good descriptive title for the appendix. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate hearing from you.

Thanks for your time today,

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